​​​"Essence Within" is your sanctuary for holistic wellness, dedicated to nurturing your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
​​​​​​The serene Healing Hut, nestled within 13 acres of breathtaking natural bushland just moments from Kangaroo Valley township,
provides a tranquil setting for you to
Reconnect, Realign, Restore, Rejuvenate, and Revitalize.
Rapid Transformational Therapy
Do you feel as though there is something missing in your life, feeling that you are somewhat out of balance and doubt yourself ? Are there more often than not continuous negative looping thoughts running through your head? Do you beat yourself up and self sabotage with addictions?
Is there one or more facets of life where you struggle continuously, such as your health, relationships, finances, career, and so on?
You can have a life of freedom and abundance when you truly love and accept yourself unconditionally and believe you deserve a fabulous life.
If you struggle in any facet of your life then you may be running on deep seated subconscious patterns that no longer support you in your life or casue you to make the same mistakes time and time again. If this resonates with you there is a good chance you struggle loving yourself unconditionally and loving who you are, as you are. You may realise it is time to examine your limiting beliefs and core beliefs that no longer serve you, for it is these beliefs which often hold us back in life and form non supportive patterns.
Take the time to reflect on the thoughts that keep you from loving yourself?
Is it the way you look?
Do you feel guilt or resentment about something from your past and wish you could change the way things occurred.
Do you beat yourself up for not achieving the success you wanted.
Or do you drink, smoke or eat more than you want to and you now feel unhealthy, yet feel stuck in the same old cycles.
Please note that addictions are often used to escape deeply seated pain, and/or has now become a habit, a familiar pattern difficult to kick.
Everyone is an individual, however unconditional love really is the key to success and freedom.
Love for others, love for all that is, and most importantly, self-love.
Love and appreciation are the highest vibrations and love is the vibration of source energy. Love heals all. Love dissolves negativity, fear and darkness. And it can be easier to find yourself loving others than yourself.
How patient and accepting are you with those you love, yet tough on yourself?
Are you seeking love outside of yourself, so desperate to find love?
Do you seek others approval most of the time?
What behavioural patterns do you have which are indicative of your lack of self-love?
Be brutally honest with yourself about how you really feel about you!
What thoughts arise?
A sadness? A loathing? Perhaps some joy and love, but a few negative looping thoughts?
If any negative voices came up, get very specific about what they are.
Write a list of limiting beliefs you have and begin the process right now.
Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards your health, happiness and self love right here, right now. That's right!
Digging deep and exposing your core beliefs is the first step to healing and embracing your self love, so do not stress if emotions come up for you during this process. Emotions are your friends, your guidance feedback and they teach you where and how you can transform your beliefs into positive and self loving ones, which lead to a more successful, happier and healthier life.
Do not despair because most of us are running our lives on inadequate, outdated, and poorly functioning systems of the mind which affect our lives in numerous ways, however if you simply re-program, re-wire and re-boot the subconscious mind, you will then create the very best version of yourself.
I can help you take the next step towards your healing and your unconditional self love, respect and acceptance and that is by booking in for a session of
Rapid Transformational Therapy
with Eloise, right now.
Either face to face or online.​
Change is easy when you are ready to let go
of what keeps you stuck, your old story, your past hurts, your old outdated thoughts, limiting beliefs and conditionings that create the same old patterns of behavior, therefore the same old negative results. A habit of thought runs a habit of behaviour, therefore what pattern of thinking is not supporting you on your journey forward in life.
What is that you believe about your life, your career, relationships and health?
Are they positive or negative beliefs.
ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE the negative into positive supporting messages?
I am not interested in your excuses, only your commitment to you loving YOU!
Rapid Transformational Therapy {RTT} follows the principles of hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
The subconscious mind is accessed in hypnosis {deep relaxation} to allow the person to uncover the limiting beliefs, and then initiate upgrades on the self-limiting beliefs. It also helps in identifying the root cause of any underlying physical or mental issue, pattern, or behavior and therefore provide a complete healing and freedom.
How does Rapid Transformational Therapy work?
RTT embraces several positive aspects of hypnotherapy/hypnosis that are known to have a transformative effect on the clients using trance, regression, and hypnotic conditioning.
Eloise, the RTT therapist will reach the subconscious mind using altered language. Aside from communicating with the subconscious, she directly accesses and assists in releasing the blockages that may be lying deep within.
It is important to know that Eloise has been trained and equipped with the tools and techniques to assist clients to overcome their challenges.
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy has been known to address the following issues:
Depression, Anxiety
Money Blocks
Public Speaking
Addictions such as smoking, excessive drinking or gambling
and more
NOTE: It is important to know that the results depend completely whether the client will follow the instructions given and listen to the recorded audio daily for at least 4 weeks.
At least then you have the necessary tools to navigate your way into better emotional health through meditation, connection with your bodies wisdom, letting go and positive thinking.
It is important to acknowledge all of your emotions and feelings and honour them.
They represent the essence of who you really are, so denying your deep extensive emotions might possibly lead to pain and affliction somewhere in the body.
Take care of yourself with your self love!
Self love conquers all fear and limiting beliefs.
- If you have continuous pain anywhere in the body, it is a good idea to check in with your emotional state. Chances are, some of the underlying pain originates with what is going on in your heart and soul.
Rapid Transformational Therapy Healing Session
A RTT Healing Session is a 3 to 4 hour session Rapid Transformational Therapy for releasing limiting beliefs from the subconscious.
This session includes a take home personalised audio to be listened to for at least 21 to 30 days and ongoing support with journaling exercises and a 30 day program for building self love forwarded via email to assist in the continuation of the healing and a few other tools and techniques which assist in your rewiring.
3 hour Deep Transformational Session - $360 either Rapid Transformational Therapy or Hypnotherapy, both requiring a client health assessment form to be filled in prior to the commencement of the session.
What to expect throughout the session
A Deep Transformational Healing session will take place with Eloise, your practitioner in the "Healing Hut" which will last approximately 3 to 4 hours in total.
The beginning of the session starts with a form to be filled in and a conversation about the root cause for your feelings and what it is you desire.
Then you will lay on the table and will be lead into a feeling of deep relaxation with a hypnosis induction.
It should be noted that what you feel during the session is not an indication of its effectiveness.
It works no matter what.
Additionally, regression is a vital part of the therapy and you may see experiences from your past {though you do not relive these experiences} and gain a new understanding.
The subconscious mind has the answers to the reasons you feel what you are feeling. This allows your mind to begin letting go of the issues and change the meaning and interpretation. Then, you are assisted in reprogramming and upgrading your mind with the beliefs that help empower you.
However, some issues can take more than one session to be addressed.
After the session, you may feel extremely calm, relaxed, happier, or relieved and free or just peaceful.
You may also find you could be very tired, floaty or sleepy.
You will go home with a personalised hypnosis audio which you will listen to regularly for at least 30 days to continue to rewire the neural pathways, changing the limiting beliefs to positive beliefs.
After you leave you will be emailed with a 30 day program to self love to support your treatment.
Please know that your commitment to your on going growth is also where your results stem from, therefore listening to your audio for at least 21 to 30 days and taking action by following the 30 day program after the session is an important process to receive the results you are after.
Eloise is a Qualified Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner trained with Marisa Peer

include a 3 HOUR SESSION including personalised transformative hypnosis audio and 30 day program
PRICE $350
Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy used to create change in a client while in a deep relaxed Alpha state, between awake and sleep, or unconsciousness, known as hypnosis.
The therapy itself uses guided relaxation techniques that invoke deep relaxation, and focus to achieve a state of self awareness and trance-like state, bypassing the critical factor, the conscious mind.
This deeply relaxed nature brought on by the hypnotic state allows the client to explore suppressed feelings, emotions or memories that are often hidden in the unconscious mind, whilst the positive suggestions/intentions of change assists to replace the negative thoughts and behavior with positive thoughts and behavior, therefore building neural pathways that support the individual rather than inhibits the individual.
The outcome is a change in consciousness which can often lead the recipient to experience things differently outside of hypnosis, such as reduced stress, decrease desire to continue the perpetual habit/s or healthier life choices, therefore Hypnotherapy has been successful in treating a wide range of conditions or unwanted behavior, such as: smoking, losing weight, performance enhancement, stress reduction and bad habits such as nail biting, to name a few.
Note: The more often you listen to the audio the more successful the results
1 hour Hypnotherapy session - $110 {includes take home audio}
sent via email/phone if you are unable to see me for a session face to face.
Simply request a personalised hypnosis audio via email and fill in the form, return with payment and expect to receive an individually tailored audio within 2 days along with some other tools and techniques via email which may assist you in shifting old patterns.
Please keep in mind a hypnosis audio is extremely powerful when you hear your name and hear what it is YOU want and need to hear regularly throughout your audio.
Price: $110
Call Eloise for further information on 0427614903.
Eloise is a Qualified Rapid Transformational Therapist with Marisa Peer and a Master Practitioner in Hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming with Tad James Co.